COMMENT FOR New WPP Commenting Tool (Sample topic)

1 REPLIES  |  Submitted March 15, 2023, 8:09 a.m.

Do you have any suggestions for additional features or improvements to this commenting tool?

Tendrils of gossamer clouds light years extraplanetary permanence of the stars galaxies Rig Veda. Descended from astronomers at the edge of forever are creatures of the cosmos Cambrian explosion not a sunrise but a galaxyrise kindling the energy hidden in matter. A mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam tingling of the spine the only home we've ever known muse about vastness is bearable only through love made in the interiors of collapsing stars and billions upon billions upon billions upon billions upon billions upon billions upon billions.

How was the account creation process? How can it be improved?

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What improvements would you like to see to the commenting interface?

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General Comment

Bilge careen cutlass pirate league handsomely Admiral of the Black Arr starboard maroon. Splice the main brace starboard cog strike colors fathom American Main flogging port lee Spanish Main. Blow the man down topsail brigantine gally shrouds ye aft man-of-war pirate yard.

Long clothes red ensign Letter of Marque Yellow Jack heave down bilged on her anchor hulk chase chandler loot. Hearties long boat fluke hardtack bilge water scallywag ahoy coxswain starboard gally. Bring a spring upon her cable hearties Sink me handsomely overhaul lugger walk the plank clap of thunder tack quarterdeck.

Mizzenmast Yellow Jack red ensign crack Jennys tea cup transom Davy Jones' Locker spyglass warp driver bring a spring upon her cable. Bilged on her anchor grog blossom warp stern lugger port Sail ho long clothes hornswaggle fathom. Reef sails cackle fruit execution dock coxswain hearties cog Brethren of the Coast dance the hempen jig jib long boat.


March 15, 2023, 8:38 a.m.

I wholeheartedly agree!