The mission of the Northwest Power Pool Operating Committee (OC) is to foster communication and coordination among its members in order to collectively achieve reliable operation of the Northwest …
The RTPS program supports the Transmission Planning Committee (TPC) and the associated TPC Special Studies. The planners at participating utilities benefit through the TPC by having a forum,…
As permitted by NERC and WECC standards, Participating Balancing Authorities within the Northwest Power Pool have instituted a Reserve Sharing Program for contingency reserve. By sharing con…
As permitted by the NERC Standard, BAL-003-2, many Balancing Authorities within the Northwest Power Pool Area have instituted the Western Frequency Response Sharing G…
The Western Resource Adequacy Program (WRAP) started at the request of many in the industry who were concerned about the issue of resource adequacy in the West.
Numerous studies have shown r…
The Western Transmission Expansion Coalition, or WestTEC, is a West-wide effort to develop an actionable transmission study to support the needs of the future energ…