• February, 2023 | WRAP | WPP

    The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) approved the tariff for the Western Resource Adequacy Program (WRAP), clearing the way for full implementation of the region’s first West-wide reliability program. In its ruling, FERC underscored the importance and potential benefits of a regional program and the enhanced reliability and resource adequacy that WRAP would bring. “Through increased coordination, we find that the WRAP has the potential to enhance resource adequacy planning, provide for the benchmarking of resource adequacy standards, and more effectively encourage the use of western regional resource diversity compared to the status quo,” the order noted.

  • February, 2022 | WPP

    As a result of the increased responsibilities and additional functions the Power Pool had been called upon to provide, as well as to better reflect the expanding footprint served by its participating organizations, the Northwest Power Pool finalized a rebrand of its business name to Western Power Pool (WPP).

  • August, 2016 | WFRSG

    As permitted by the NERC Standard, BAL-003-2, many Balancing Authorities within the Northwest Power Pool Area instituted the Western Frequency Response Sharing Group (WFRSG). By collectively participating in the WFRSG, participants are entitled to calculate their annual Frequency Response Measure (FRM) in aggregate to achieve an FRM that is equal to or more negative than the Frequency Response Obligation (FRO) of the group to assure sufficient Frequency Response is provided to maintain Interconnection Frequency Response equal to or more negative than the Interconnection FRO.

  • 2014 | OTS

    NWPP training services expanded into a digital eTraining platform with the launch of source.training.

  • February, 2011 | RSP | RSGC

    The Reserve Sharing Group (RSG) Committee was formed. They were granted exclusive power to establish, modify, and rescind all policies and documents governing the NWPP Reserve Sharing Group.

  • 2005

    NWPP became a NERC-certified Continuing Education Provider, adding more value to the NWPP Membership.

  • 2002 | RSP | RSGC

    The Reserve Sharing Program was fully automated. Today the Reserve Sharing participants are able to reduce their collective requirements, on average, by 5,000 megawatts, while at the same time reducing the risk of shortages and enhancing overall reliability.

  • April, 1999

    Until 1999, the Power Pool staff were loaned employees who were actually employed by member utilities, such as Portland General, Grant County PUD, or PacifiCorp. And all the billing was administered by PacifiCorp. But around 1999, the industry was restructuring and evolving toward more legally binding and riskier obligations related to reliability management. So, in order to eliminate some of the liability exposure, on April 22, 1999, Articles of Incorporation were filed with the Oregon Secretary of State to form a new, nonprofit corporation called the Northwest Power Pool.

  • 1990 | TPC

    Power Pool members elected to form a new committee known as the Transmission Planning Committee. The TPC was designed to provide a forum for problem-solving and the sharing of ideas and concepts related to transmission issues specific to the NWPP area.

  • 1970 | RSP | RSGC

    Throughout the ‘60s, the NWPP members investigated other ways to maximize reliability, and they found that sharing contingency reserves would help them reduce risk while enhancing the reliability of the interconnected system. By 1970, Reserve Sharing was occurring on an informal basis among the members.

  • 1965 | CG

    As a result of the 1964 PNCA, the Coordination Contract Committee, today known as the Coordinating Group or “CG”, was established to study how best to operate the coordinated hydro system. The CG helps the utilities coordinate operations in light of actual stream flows.

  • 1964 | CG

    The Pacific Northwest Coordination Agreement was finalized. The PNCA is a binding contract to optimize the river systems among 17 US utilities and agencies controlling power-generating facilities in Washington, Oregon, and parts of Idaho, Montana, and California.

  • 1962 | EWEB

    The city of Eugene Water and Electric Board joined.

  • 1961 | CHPD

    The public utility districts of Chelan and Grant Counties joined.

  • 1961 | CG

    Until 1961, participation was on an informal, voluntary basis. But at the beginning of that year, the Columbia River Treaty with Canada was signed which paved the way for contractual obligations. The Treaty specified the provisions for coordinating the water resources of the Columbia River Basin, an area which spans 268,000 square miles over the Northwestern United States and Southwestern Canada.

  • 1949 | BCHA

    British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority joined as the British Columbia Electric Company.

  • 1942

    As World War Two continued to unfold, the United States was drawn into the global conflict. Congress passed the War Production Board of 1942, which required federal based entities, like Bonneville Power Administration, to join entities like the Northwest Power Pool. This time, the goal of pooling collective resources was to power the war effort. The War Production Board gave the Power Pool members a boost. By issuing Order L-94, the Board directed utilities throughout the United States to increase electric capacity. Puget Sound Power & Light Company, Portland General Electric Company, the municipal systems of Seattle and Tacoma, and the Bonneville Power Administration joined in, which significantly expanded Power Pool capacity to about 2600 megawatts.

  • 1941 | OC

    During World War II, six regional Investor Owned Utilities formed the Northwest Power Pool (NWPP). The NWPP staff had just three engineers at the time, and their role was to enhance reliability and maximize efficient production through the coordination of river flows and electrical operation. The installed capacity of the Pool at that time was just one thousand megawatts.

  • 1917

    Pacific Power and Light Company (which today is known as PacifiCorp) interconnected with The Washington Water Power Company (now called Avista)