WRAP Publishes Draft Tariff, Invites Feedback

July 14, 2022, midnight by Maya McNichol | Last modified Oct. 14, 2022, 10:44 a.m.

The Western Power Pool has published the draft WRAP tariff for stakeholder review.

The Western Resource Adequacy Program Participant Committee (RAPC) invites stakeholders to read through the tariff and provide input. Western Power Pool will be hosting a public webinar on July 25th to hear any feedback and answer any questions. 

The draft tariff may be updated based on feedback received in the webinar from stakeholders and participants. After revising the tariff, Western Power Pool anticipates filing with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission later this summer.

Western Power Pool values stakeholder participation. The draft tariff incorporates much of the feedback received from stakeholders on the Detailed Design Document published in July 2021 and Governance Proposal published in January 2022. As a reminder, Western Power Pool has held public webinars since October 2021 to gather stakeholder feedback on all major design refinements.

The RAPC has had substantial conversation about how to responsibly transition to a binding program. The RAPC consensus on that discussion is included in draft tariff in section 15 and 17.3. We plan to talk through this detail in more depth during the webinar.

“Filing the FERC tariff is the next major milestone in the development of the WRAP,” said Western Power Pool President Sarah Edmonds. “In order for filing to be successful, it is critical that we continue to be collaborative and transparent in the final stages of creating the tariff.”

Helpful links:

Draft WRAP Tariff

Recordings of previous webinars here

Webinar information:

The public webinar will take place 9-11am PPT on July 25th. Click here to register