COMMENT FOR BPM 101 - Advance Assessment

Submitted Oct. 6, 2023, 4:45 p.m.

01: Please supply any comments related to the Introduction, Definitions, or Background sections.

Introduction: Should the last sentence say “Binding Season” and “Non-Binding Season”?

02: Please supply any comments related to the Advance Assessment Timeline section.

Table 1 is very concise and helpful to understand a lot of deadlines quickly and easily!

03: Please supply any comments related to the Data Submittal section.

It will be helpful to clarify if all footprint resources will be utilized for the PRM/LOLE studies.

  • New and existing
  • Submitted by participants, or not

Also include language to clarify that inter-regional import / export assumptions are also included for the purposes of establishing PRM/LOLE. It may help to clarify what happens if GADS data is not available/exceptions etc.

04: Please supply any comments related to the Data Submittal - Advance Assessment Submittal Process section (3.1).

In Table 3, why is “Years” a capitalized term?

05: Please supply any comments related to the Data Submittal - Resource Registration Implication section (3.2).

“Late Registered Resources” definition is not in this BPM or in tariff.

“Excepting resources planned for retirement, Participants must register all owned or operated resources” --  Please clarify further that the resources registered are not limited to meeting load plus PRM.

06: Please supply any comments related to the Data Submittal - Modeling Data from Forward Showing Submittal section (3.3).

Please clarify what constitutes Firm import/export transactions. Why is the BPM highlighting a different treatment for this class of resources?

07: Please supply any comments related to the Data Submittal - Participant Review and Verification Process of Input Data section (3.4).

No response submitted.

08: Please supply any comments related to the Draft Modeling Output Results Review section (3.5).

No response submitted.

09: Please supply any comments related to the Data Submittal - Advance Assessment Result Distribution section (3.6).

“Table 6. FSPRM for each month of the upcoming Summer and Winter Binding Seasons.”

Suggest adding to end of sentence, "of the Study Period."

General Comment
