COMMENT FOR BPM 107 - Forward Showing Deficiency Charge

Submitted Jan. 31, 2024, 2:24 p.m.

01: Please supply any comments related to the Introduction, Definitions, or Background sections.

No response submitted.

02: Please supply any comments related to the Calculating the Deficiency Charge section (3).

No response submitted.

03: Please supply any comments related to the Calculating the Deficiency Charge - Calculating the Deficiency section (3.1).

No response submitted.

04: Please supply any comments related to the Calculating the Deficiency Charge - Calculating the Deficiency Charge section (3.2).

Section 3.2 states “If there is a Monthly Deficiency in the Winter Season with a higher MW value than the highest MW value of any Monthly Deficiency in the Summer Season, the Monthly Deficiency with the highest MW value in the Summer Season shall be assessed an additional Deficiency Charge calculated per Formula 2.”

The underlined word needs to be Winter since this is calculating the incremental deficiency chages for the Winter season. This is inconsistent with the Tariff language.

05: Please supply any comments related to the Calculating the Deficiency Charge - Determining Certain Components of the Deficiency Charge Calculation section (3.3).

No response submitted.

06: Please supply any comments related to the Timing of Deficiency Charge Revenue Collection section (4).

No response submitted.

07: Please supply any comments to the Allocation of Revenues from Deficiency Charges section (5).

No response submitted.

08: Please supply any comments related to the Board Appeal Process section (6).

No response submitted.

General Comment
