COMMENT FOR BPM 304 - Amendments to Schedule 1 and WRAP Agreement

Submitted Feb. 2, 2024, 2:08 p.m.

01: Please supply any comments related to the Introduction or Definitions sections.

No comments at this time.

02: Please supply any comments related to the Amendment Requests section (2).

In the opening sentence it is unclear if the term Amendment sponsors located in the parathesis is intended to only be utilized by Board Members, or is it intended to apply to the full list in the sentence? There is no description of what is needed or suggested in the impact assessment.  APS doesn’t think we should be too descriptive but maybe a few examples of what could be included would be helpful.

For the second bullet point in this section, should it read “..changes or updates to Schedule 1 or WRAPA that would…”? It is our understanding that sections of the Tariff outside of these would not follow this process.

03: Please supply any comments related to the RAPC Amendment Review section (3).

No comments at this time.

04: Please supply any comments related to the RAPC Endorsement section (4).

No comments at this time.

05: Please supply any comments related to the Board of Directors Review section (5),

The second bullet point contradicts outcome 3 from Section 4. Section 4 says the Amendment sponsor decides next steps when rejected by RAPC, but Section 5 says many other folks can pick up the Amendment and take it to the Board and not just the Amendment sponsor.

General Comment
