COMMENT FOR BPM 303 - Expedited Review Process

Submitted Oct. 27, 2023, 4:10 p.m.

01: Please supply any comments related to the Introduction, Definitions, or Background sections.

In the Introduction, “In these circumstances, the RAPC will work with the Western Power Pool (WPP) staff to prepare the design change and may propose such a change directly to the Board.” Is this sentence intended to be inclusive of all who will be involved in the design change? For example, would a task force appointed by RAPC be eligible for proposal creation? Or is it intended to strictly limit it to RAPC members? In either circumstance there is probably more clarity that can be added to the BPM in that area.

02: Please supply any comments related to the Expedited Proposal Development section.

It may be correct, but the first sentence does not include the ability for the COSR, or any other stakeholder group not identified in the sentence to submit a proposal for consideration to the RAPC Chair.

03: Please supply any comments related to the Expedited Proposal Development - Comment period section (2.1).

No comments at this time

04: Please supply any comments related to the Expedited Proposal Development - COSR Opposition section (2.1.1).

No comments at this time

05: Please supply any comments related to the Expedited Proposal Development - Board of Directors Review section (2.2).

If the Board action is to reject the Expedited Proposal, is there no situation where an amended proposal, or an entirely new proposal would be developed by RAPC and once again go through the Expedited Process? This appears to indicate that any proposal related to the exigent circumstances after a vote of rejection by the Board has to be performed through the standard stakeholder process (PRC etc.). Is that accurate?

General Comment

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