COMMENT FOR Joint Contract Accreditation Form

Submitted April 11, 2024, 3:06 p.m.

01: Please supply any comments related to section 1.

In the transaction type table, need the ability to enter hours of delivery.

In Contracted Capacity Firm Delivery Point box in transaction type: Need to include a separate box for busbar deliveries – which does not require seller attestation of transmission.   

For the Seller’s Transmission Attestation for both Participants and Non-Participants: If the seller is not providing transmission, the seller should not be obligated to sign this attestation.

02: Please supply any comments related to section 2.

In Contracted Capacity Firm Delivery Point box in transaction type: Need to include a separate box for busbar deliveries – which does not require seller attestation of transmission.   

General Comment

Thank you for the opportunity to comment
