01: Please supply any comments related to the final paragraph of the Non-Exclusive List of Potential Waiver Justifications section (7.3) - text in RED.
No response submitted.
02: Please supply any comments related to the Presumptive Waiver for Uncertainty Exceedances section (7.4) - text in RED.
Tacoma Power supports the clarification that Bonneville Power Administration requests to be added to 7.4 – 1. – iii., and believes the suggested language is intuitive and is consistent with the intent of the current draft of BPM 209. (“. . . and sourced from its Qualifying Resources reported in its FS Submittal and used to meet the Forward Showing Capacity requirement . . .”)
03: Please supply any additional comments on this BPM.
No response submitted.
General Comment
Thank you for the opportunity to submit these comments.