Western Power Pool Offices | OC

MAR 30 Overview with SRSG BA Applicants

0900 to 1600 PST/PDT

Registration is now closed for this event.

Western Power Pool Offices
7525 NE Ambassador Place, Suite M
Portland, OR


The NWPP OC and RSGC Chairmanship respectfully request your attendance for a meeting with the Southwest Reserve Sharing Group Balancing Authorities. 

The SRSG BAs will be provided an opportunity to address their NWPP Membership Applications as submitted on Feb. 13, 2023. Each SRSG BA will be allotted 20 minutes to present (15 minutes for presentation w/ 5 minutes to address any questions) information about their organization that covers the following:

  • Organization Overview (high level)
  • Describe how your organization meets the “Eligible Entity” definition per the Membership Agreement for both the OC and RSGC
  • Address the expected benefits for participation with the NWPP RSG
  • Address the expected benefits you BA will bring to the NWPP RSG

Upon conclusion of the Overview of SRSG BA Applicants meeting the RSGC and OC will be expected to take action:

  • Both Committees will meet separately determine if there is any additional information required prior to a vote on membership.
  • If yes, each committee will work with WPP to develop a listing of required information
    • WPP will address collection information, and
    • schedule meeting with committee to reconvene and address new information, then
      • ensue with voting process.
    • If there is no other information required, the committees will ensue with voting process


2023 0330 Meeting Agenda and Materials

Meeting Agenda and Materials


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Last updated March 29, 2023

Microsoft Teams meeting

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Meeting ID: 218 802 849 582
Passcode: jp4sGZ

Or call in (audio only)

+1 469-998-7653,,537738331#   United States, Dallas

Phone Conference ID: 537 738 331#



From the airport, if you take the MAX train, the WPP offices are located near the first stop ("Mt. Hood") from the airport. The MAX airport terminal is located at the south end of the Baggage Claim area and costs $5 for a full day pass. After deboarding at the Mt. Hood stop, walk west along Cascades Parkway until you reach Ambassador Place. For more information on the MAX train, visit https://trimet.org/max/.


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