Western Power Pool Approves Nominees for New Independent Board of Dir…

PORTLAND, Ore. – The Western Power Pool (WPP) Board of Directors on Wednesday approved the slate of nominees who would serve on the group’s new Independent Board of Directors.

WPP Board Chairperson Bill Drummond is the current board member selected to serve with four new members. Two other current board members – Treasurer Mary Ann Pease and Secretary Scott Waples – will hold non-voting advisory seats.

The four new board members selected are Michelle Bertolino, For…

Oct. 14, 2022, 10:40 a.m.

WPP Board Approves WRAP Tariff, Clears Path for FERC Filing

PORTLAND, Ore. – The Western Power Pool Board of Directors yesterday voted unanimously to approve the tariff that will implement the Western Resource Adequacy Program (WRAP). Board approval was the final procedural step required before the tariff can be filed at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), anticipated for August 31, 2022.

“This is another major milestone leading us closer to making this first-of-its-kind program a reality,” said Sarah Edmonds, WPP Presi…

Aug. 24, 2022, 11:38 a.m.

WPP to be led by transmission expert Sarah Edmonds

For more information, please contact: Bill Drummond, 406-544-0510 or

[PORTLAND, Ore.] – The Northwest Power Pool Corporation, doing business as the Western Power Pool (WPP), announced today its Board of Directors has selected Sarah Edmonds as President and CEO. WPP is a nonprofit corporation that helps coordinate electric grid operations for the western United States and Canada. The WPP supports the activities of the Northwest Power Pool, which includes major uti…

March 24, 2022, 3:06 p.m.

NWPP Announces Rebrand to Western Power Pool

PORTLAND, OR - Throughout its evolution over the last 80 years, the Northwest Power Pool (NWPP) has cooperatively addressed the present needs of the region, as it continues to do with today's unique challenges. The industry and the region rely on the NWPP to provide reserve sharing, operational collaboration, and training. With the recent award of the service contract for the NorthernGrid transmission planning organization and the ongoing development and implementation of the Western Resour…

Feb. 8, 2022, 8 a.m.

WRAP working to stand up the Program Review Committee and Nominating …

PORTLAND, OR - The Western Resource Adequacy Program (WRAP) is taking the first steps toward standing up the Program Review Committee and Nominating Committee.

Program Review Committee (PRC)

The PRC is a stakeholder-based sector representative group; in the future FERC-jurisdictional binding program the PRC will be charged with receiving, considering, and proposing design changes to the WRAP, and will serve as the clearing house for most recommended design changes. These recommended …

Dec. 27, 2021, midnight

WRAP Announces Full Participation of Phase 3A

PORTLAND, OR – The Western Resource Adequacy Program (WRAP), administered by the NWPP, is pleased to announce that it has entered the first stage of program implementation, Phase 3A.

This non-binding phase welcomes eight new participants to the WRAP. The participants in Phase 3A of the WRAP are: Arizona Public Service, Avangrid, Avista, Black Hills Energy, Basin Electric Power Cooperative, Bonneville Power Administration, Calpine, Chelan PUD, Clatskanie PUD, Douglas PUD, Eugene Water a…

Dec. 7, 2021, midnight

NWPP President Frank Afranji Announces Retirement

Update: Frank Afranji will be staying on board as NWPP President through approximately late March. 

PORTLAND, OR – Frank Afranji, President of the Northwest Power Pool Corporation (NWPP Corporation) announced today that he will be stepping down from that role and retiring in January 2022. Afranji has been the NWPP Corporation President since August 2018. The NWPP Corporation helps to coordinate grid operations for eight western U.S. states and two provinces in western Canada.…

Oct. 14, 2021, 10:55 a.m.

WRAP Reaches Next Major Milestone

PORTLAND, OR – The Western Resource Adequacy Program (WRAP), administered by the Northwest Power Pool (NWPP), has completed the primary design phase of the program development and is gearing up to implement the first stage of its program in which program participants will commit to meeting a common resource adequacy planning standard.

“We have reached a major milestone in our effort to stand up a resource adequacy program in the West,” said Frank Afranji, president of …

Oct. 4, 2021, 3:02 p.m.

NWPP to Hire SPP to Provide Program Operator Services for RA Program …

PORTLAND, OR – Northwest Power Pool (NWPP) intends to hire Southwest Power Pool, Inc. (SPP) to provide program operator services in its effort to develop a resource adequacy program for interested utilities in the West.

In this role, SPP will work with the NWPP and its resource adequacy (RA) participants to help develop, implement, and operate the resource adequacy program.

“Southwest Power Pool has substantial experience developing and running a resource adequacy program acro…

Aug. 3, 2021, 1:46 p.m.

NWPP Corporation Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic

The Northwest Power Pool Corporation is doing its part to serve both the Membership and the electric industry in general throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Like WECC and many of our members, we are following the latest recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. For the immediate timeframe, NWPP corporate staff is generally working remotely. All business travel will be evaluated on a case by case basis; any non-critical business travel is canceled.

The …

March 19, 2020, 2:09 p.m.