WestTEC Selects Members of REC, Filling Final Piece of Organizationa…

PORTLAND, Ore. – The Western Transmission Expansion Coalition, or WestTEC, has completed a major milestone in its organizational structure by selecting the members of its Regional Engagement Committee, or REC.

The REC is WestTEC’s primary stakeholder engagement group. It is responsible for reviewing proposals, scopes of work for technical studies and other deliverables, and for providing feedback and recommendations to the Steering Committee. The Steering Committee is WestTEC&rsq…

Feb. 27, 2024, 2:50 p.m.

Posted Comments for the Western Transmission Expansion Coalition Conc…

The Western Power Pool posted a paper on October 2, 2023, outlining a proposed concept for a West-wide effort to develop an actionable transmission plan to support the needs of the future energy grid. The effort is referred to as the Western Transmission Expansion Coalition (WTEC). Comments were due October 31 and several sets of comments were received. These are now posted in our document library, accessible via the links below. A dedicated WTEC section of our site has been added and is availa…

Nov. 8, 2023, 12:41 p.m.