PORTLAND, Ore. – The Western Power Pool today released a paper outlining a proposed concept for a West-wide effort to develop an actionable transmission plan to support the needs of the future energy grid. The effort is referred to as the Western Transmission Expansion Coalition (WTEC).
The Western Power Pool (WPP), which will serve as the facilitator of the coalition, is collecting feedback on the concept paper to inform next steps. Comments are due by October 31 and should be sent directly to WPP President and CEO Sarah Edmonds at sarah.edmonds@westernpowerpool.org.
The concept paper includes a proposed participation structure, as well as intended goals and objectives. WTEC seeks feedback on the following questions, though other perspectives and input beyond these questions also is encouraged:
1. The participation structure should be inclusive and ensure a broad set of perspectives is considered so that decision-makers, policymakers and regulators have confidence in the results and recommendations.
Does the proposed participation structure properly balance the objectives of inclusivity and expediency? If not, how could it be improved?
Does the proposed participation structure provide appropriate transparency, including how the inputs and assumptions are determined? In not, how could it be improved?
2. The proposed participation structure outlines the organization of essential committees and engagement opportunities to support the effort.
What suggestions do you have about the composition of the committees and task force, and engagement with States and Tribes?
3. We anticipate working closely with neighboring regions to achieve a broad viewpoint.
Is that intention clearly articulated in the concept paper and understood through the proposed participation structure? If not, what changes could be made?
4. We anticipate that the coalition would work with an independent party to coordinate and review data, develop planning scenarios and analyze results of the studies.
What changes to the concept paper or proposed participation structure would give you greater confidence that a third party could provide independent analysis and recommendations?
Media contact: For more information, contact Kevin Langbaum at kevin@kblcommunications.com.